You've slain Habaraku, and have made all of your preparations.  Enter the center gate to Infinity, and prepare to meet your destiny.  

Special Note:  I literally typed this up as I played.  Play a bit, type a bit, play a bit....  Everything here was typed as I went along.  This was begun in the morning of 12/22/98, continued in the evening of the same day, and completed the morning of 12/23/98.  I hope this helps.

Note: I'll be assuming that your party is shamanized.

Infinity -- Part One
Infinity -- Part Two
Barubary's Lair
Life Bracelet
St. Evans

Infinity -- Part One

The first part of Infinity is pretty straight forward.  If you built up your level like I told you to, nothing here is much of a threat to you.  Watch out for Ifeleets and Earth Dragons, since they can damage your whole party.  The two most common monsters  -- Humus and Racegude -- are both of what Ben Siron calls the Spirit class -- they only take half-damage from attacks that aren't made with a sacred weapon.  Have Ryu and anyone else in your party that can use one equipped with a sacred weapon at all times.  G. Riders (which CAN cast Death) are undead, so they're also vulnerable to sacred weapons.  Since you can switch weapons in combat, you can change to your stronger weapons when an Ifeleet or Earth Dragon appears.  If you encounter Big Hands, use Worth Rings or cast Death, though it won't always work.  Creative use of Medusa Shields can help, too.  Use the Mother Robe or Brass Staff for healing, whenever possible.

First off, head right around the walkway.  Once you reach the steps, go down them and keep going around until you reach the stairs to the next floor.  If Sten's in your party and isn't in Efreeti form, he can reach across the gap with the poles.  I'd rather have a shamanized character, though.  The chest contains a Shiny Bracelet.

2nd floor down:  Just go along the path, now.  If Sten isn't Shamanized, he can reach across to pole you'll see.  This will enable you to get the Buster Bow, Bow's second most powerful weapon.  If you're using Bow and don't have the Death Bow, you should probably go for it.  Exit out and replace/shamanize Sten once you've got it.  Keep going, and you'll be able to go through an exit or take some stairs down.  Keep going left along the path if you wish to get the Nature Whip, which is Spar's second best weapon.  Taking the exit allows you to get a Shiny Helmut (it's better than a Sun Mask) and take stairs down to the next level.  You'll be in the north-west corner.  Taking the steps south-east of the exit takes you to the opposite corner of the next level.  The chest in the north-east corner contains a Stamina; take the south-east steps to reach it quickly.  Use the north-west corner steps when you wish to take the path to level four.

3rd floor:  From the north-west steps, just go down and around.  The chest contains a Power Food.  Take the stairs to go down to level four.

4th floor:  The path will branch.  Go down the short stairs and west  and around to reach the stairs to level five.  Go west of the stairs up and north.  Once you reach the north wall, go east and through the arch for Hero Armor and a Mother Robe.  Go west and around for a Crescent Sword, which isn't worth the time and effort you just expended reaching it.

Floors five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten:  just go to the stairs leading to the next level.

11th floor:  To get a Sun Mask:  Head down and along the left.  The first chest you'll see along the way is a Holy Shield.  Continue along the path and head up.  The chest at the top has the Sun Mask.  Don't bother; everyone in your party is probably wearing one, anyway.  Path to stairs down:  Go east along the path.  The chest above you contains the Immortal Ring, the best weapon Nina and Bleu can use.  Heading down from there brings you to a fork.  The right one takes you to a chest containing the Shadow Dagger, Sten's second best weapon.  Take the left one, and continue until you reach the next fork.  The left path is a dead-end.  The right path will take you on your way; the chest holds a Dream Bracelet.  Continue until you reach yet another fork.  Down is a dead-end.  Going left will take you to the Final Knuckle (Rand's second best weapon), and another fork.  Going up is a dead-end.  Going down takes you to the step going down to level 12.

12th Floor:  Go south to reach the exit.  You're done with the long part, now comes the hard part....


This is the town of the Dragon Clan, and where Ryu's mother came from.  In two long cinema scenes, you'll learn about the threat that lurks below and about Ryu's past.  For the latter, you'll be controlling Ryu's mother Valerie.  As for Dologany itself... There's a Dragon Idol on the upper level, and there's a woman who has an item shop and a man who will give you a rest on the lower level (they're in the same building).  Talk to the people in town to learn more about Ryu, Patty, and Ray.  The gate to the second part of Infinity is on the lower level.  Put Ryu in the lead, and you can open the gate.  Step on the center of the platform in the center of the room to descend.  Oddly enough, there are monsters in this room -- E. Sludges, the weakest monster in the game, to be exact.  Go figure.

Infinity -- Part Two

Stepping on the spot on the platform that brought you down -- or casting Exit -- will return you to Dologany.   There are new monsters here:  the worst is the Carm, a spirit with an impressive array of spells that'll damage your whole party.  Carm usually appear in pairs, and have 190 HP.  Angel can kill them, but don't bet on it working.  Other enemies to watch out for are Dragoons (they can use Fire Breath) and groups of 4 or 5 Ganets.  Use the Storm Ring to kill them all.

Navigation:   First off, head down.  You'll reach a fork that goes up and down.  Going up will take you to the Anfini chamber.  Don't go there yet.  Heading down take you to another fork.  Going left will take you to a chest containing Noe's Robe, the best armor for Nina and Bleu .  Taking the right one will take you down to a platform with stairs leading down.  Take to them to enter the labyrinth.


Carms and Dragoons are here, too.  Also appearing are Conchs, which have magical immunity, but are weak foes overall and weak vs. lightning; Skeletons, which have magical immunity but are weak vs. fire; Cyclops, which is somewhat laughable; Magicmas(ter?), which is easy to kill but has nasty spells; DPaladin, which can cast Cure4 and Hush but can be Deathed or Drained for AP; Amon, which can Egg beater, can cast Typhoon, and has around 600 HP; and Hellion, which has 1000 HP and is one of the nastiest things down here.

Level one:  Go through the exit.  Going west will take you to the Riot Staff, Katt's second best weapon.  Going east takes you to a fork -- an exit which will lead you to a ladder (2a), or go south.  Going south takes you to another exit, which leads to a ladder. This will take you to (2b).  In either case, you're ultimate destination will be point X.

Level 2:  (2a) You're presented with a fork right off.  Going along the north path will take you to (3a).  Going south leads to an exit, which leads to room with a chest containing the Holy Rapier (Jean's second best weapon; Ryu can't use it).   (2b)  You can take the ladder down to (3b), or you can go east.  Going east, you'll find a chest.  Approach the chest from the side; stepping on the spot below it triggers a pit.  The chest contains the Dragon Helmut, which is Ryu's best helmut.  Continuing along the path brings you to a ladder.  Going down it leads you to a dead end.  Actually, triggering the pit drops you into that dead-end.

Level 3:  (3a)  That glowing thing in the center is a teleporter.  You can't enter it, though.  The exit to the right is a dead-end.  The north exit takes you to ladder (4a).  The north-east path will lead you to an exit, which leads to the Dragon Shield, which is Ryu's second best shield (best is the Medusa Shield).  (3b)  Go along the path; the chest contains a Holy Shield.  Continuing brings you to ladder (4b).

Level 4:  (4a)  Going along the path bring you to a teleporter.  Using it will bring you to point X.  Going south brings you to a ladder (which leads to an inert teleporter and an exit that leads to the Dragon Sword; the Dragon sword is weaker than the Empire Sword, but it can cast Flame), and then to a Dragon Idol, and then to an exit that leads to a dead-end.  Heading north leads you to the Dragon Armor, Ryu's second best armor.  Take the teleporter if you wish proceed.  (4b)  Continue along the path until you reach the fork -- an exit, or continuing along the path to ladder (5b).  The exit is to a room with a Dragon Fountain; drink from it to get the benefits of a rest.

Level 5: (5b)  Go along the path until you reach ladder (6b)

Level 6:  (6b)  Go along the path; you'll reach point X.
Point X:  Going northeast takes you back along route b.  Going south brings you to a fork; continuing south will bring you to a dead end.  Going east also brings you to a dead-end.  Using the teleporter at Point X returns you to the teleporter on level 4.  Going through the exit north of the teleporter will bring you to the lair of Barubary.


Just go north until Barubary reveals himself, and attacks.  If you have a vigor of 100 or so, you're faster than him.  Have your healer cast Cure3 if he's slower than that, have Ryu cast G. Dragon, and have the other two characters take their best shot.  When you do 1200 HP to him, he'll stop fighting and challenge Ryu to a duel.  If you accept, Ryu will get the benefit of a rest, but unless he's at least level 58, and you have many Roasts and at least 3 Wise balls (if Ryu's AP is less than or equal 100; you'll need more if his AP is greater than 100), he'll probably lose.

No matter which way you choose, Barubary fights you for real, now.

When you win, continue north to exit his lair.  You'll enter a room with a teleporter, a Dragon Fountain, and a Dragon Idol.  

Life Bracelet

Talk to the Idol, and put an unshamanized Sten and Katt in your party.  Now go back to Barubary's lair.  Put Katt in the lead, and every step down the passage, turn right and swing her staff.  There's a rock she can shatter right next to where Barubary was.  Go along this passage right, down, and right, each as far as you can go.  Have Sten reach across the gap.  The chest contains the Life Bracelet.  This is the treasure that Barubary was talking about if you defeated him in single combat.  Location of this thing is accredited to Drag.

Now, return to the Dragon Idol, save your game, put someone who can cast Exit in your party, and have him/her cast it.  You're now back in Dologany.  Talk to the Idol, and put whoever you want in your party.  DO NOT SAVE YOUR GAME.  Go to the lower level, get a rest if you didn't drink from the fountain, and return to Infinity.  Remember way back where I mentioned Anfini?  Go back to that fork and head up, because that's what you now must get.


Are you in?  Head north, and drink from the Dragon Fountain if you want.  Talk to the Wise Men.  Talk to the man in red when you're ready (Note:  thanks to some programming bug (or is it translation screw-up?), you'll have to answer the question "Do you have any more questions?" with "Yes" before he'll precede).  Now as Ryu, enter every room, and talk to each of your friends.  Once you've spoken to them all, the Great Wise Man will move aside and you can talk to the person in the room he was blocking you from -- you.  Ryu will tell Ryu exactly what's expected.  Leave, listen to the Wise Man's instructions, and go back to Ryu.  Keep saying "No", and Anfini will be yours.  It'll now be on Ryu's spell list (though you can't use it).  This is what Barubary was referring to if you beat him with your party.   Note:  if you select one of your friends, you'll be booted out of the Anfini area.  Also, trying to get Anfini deshamanizes all shamanized characters.


If you want to go straight back to the Idol after Barubary's lair, let your party be killed.  Dying sends your party back to the last place where you saved your game.  If you want to re-shamanize, return to Dologany, put someone who can cast Exit in your party, go through the top level entrance to Infinity (the way you came into the town), and have him/her cast Exit.  Go to Town Ship, Re-shamanize, Condition Up the shamanized characters (if you can), and now select of party of non-shamanized characters.  Let the party die.  You're now back at the Idol after Barubary's lair.  Put your shamanized characters back in your party, and you'll be set.  If you want to re-shamanize and don't wan't to do what I recommend, all right.  You'll just have to walk all the way back down there.  As a final note, it's Dragon014 that came up with dying to return there, not myself.  Credit where its due.

When you've returned to the room after Barubary's Lair, save your game and drink from the Fountain.  Stepping into the teleporter will take you into a vast chamber.

The Chamber:  All the monsters here are strong, though they're critters that you have faced earlier.  To the south-west of the teleporter that you arrive at (T), is a chest containing a King Hat.  Keep going south of (T) to arrive in a chamber with a Teleporter.  If you hang around long enough, you'll eventually run into the Zodiac, a powerful relative of the Kimaria.  Zodiacs are fast and can do a lot of damage, so be careful if you're gonna hunt the suckers.  Zodiacs can drop the Nine-Tail Whip, Spar's best weapon.  East of (T) is another room with a teleporter (Zodiacs can be found here, as well).  West of (T) is yet another teleport chamber, which contains the P. Dragon.  P. Dragons are spirits, so they take only half-damage from non-holy attacks.  They have 999 Hp, and are very powerful, but there's a chance of getting a Life Bracelet when you win.  Using the east teleporter takes you to the west teleporter, and vice versa.  The south teleporter takes you to the teleporter at (3a).  Stepping on (T) takes you back to the teleporter that brought you to this chamber.  Going north will bring you to the last exit.  Go through if you think you're ready for the final battle.  You may wish to exchange your Shiny Bracelets in favor of an enhancement Etc. item, because Shiny Bracelets won't help you with what you're about to face.

St. Evans

Here's god, and he will not have mercy on your soul.  Go forward until Evans starts talking.  He'll imprison your party in crystals.  Ryu will break out of his, and go after Evans.  Evans will paralyze Ryu and  then, after a making a brief speech about each character that ends with "And now, his/her life is over," shatter the crystals one by one, killing the rest of your party.  Evans will then leave the paralyzed Ryu where he is.  I've seen somewhere that if you now just do nothing, eventually the game will end and you'll get the lousy ending -- what you saw if you decided to wait way back when Ryu's mother gives you the option of going after the demon or waiting 100 years.  This isn't so much the lousy ending as it is the "Game Over" screen that appears in most action games when you lose.  I think you have to wait several minutes for it to happen, though.

If you want to go after Evans, just start trying to move back and forth as rapidly as you can.  Ryu will start to shake, and will, in a flash of light, break Evans' paralysis spell.  If you head south to the remains of the crystals and search, you'll be told that all that's left is fragments.  Not so incidentally, the remains of the crystals block the path to the exit.  You must go north -- forward.

When you do so, Evans will start flying north and Ryu will chase him.  Evans will try to blow him away, but Ryu won't be affected by the spell.  Eventually Ryu will catch up to him, and put one of his eyes out.  Evans will go over the side of the platform (this whole area is a platform, really), and then come back up in his true form; it's both bigger and uglier than Barubary.

Deathevan will attack.  He casts Explode, which does half of Ryu's current HP in damage. You can finally use Anfini, and you'll have to.  This fight will continue until you do so; you can't kill Deathevan now.  When you cast it, you'll see a long cinema scene, at the end of which your slain friends are brought back to life.  They'll still be shamanized, in case you're wondering.

Now, with the party restored (and given the benefit of a rest), does the final battle begin.

When you win, you win.

The End

