Sten is a cheif of the Highlanders, and has been running from his past ever since the battle that killed off most of his troops.  You'll provide him with a direction for his life.  You'll meet and he'll join you in Windia.

Fighting/Defense -- Sten rates a little higher than Katt in defense, and somewhere under her in offense and speed.  His HP is slightly higher than Katt's.  Sten can get the job done, but I only use him when I have to.  His weapon is the knife, and he has access to most armor.

Special -- RIP.  Sten will fake his death until he attacks, and then continue faking his death for the rest of the round.  It lowers both his defense and the odds that he'll be attacked.  This is another special that I never bother with.

Magic -- He'll learn five attack spells -- Spark, Bomb, Flame, Fireball, and Missile.  They're actually pretty good, but he doesn't have nearly enough AP to get the most out of them.  His AP amount is equivalent to Ryu.

Shamans -- Fire by itself results in a color change and an attack boost.  Fire + Wind turns him into the Efreeti.  Special changes to Sweh, which sweeps away the monsters you are fighting and replaces them with a new random encounter -- which may be the exact same monsters you were fighting earlier, or a new group of monsters (the monsters that appear are always ones that you can normally encounter in that area).  Use this to either "escape" a powerful monster or to hunt for a particular monster.  The latter is the more frequent use, as this is the best way to hunt monsters that drop certain powerful and rare items.

Field -- When both traveling the world and in dungeons, Sten can reach across any gap that has a post on either side.  This is necesary in certain dungeons.  The Efreeti can't use this ability.

At level 40 -- Sten is quite possibly your most average character.  The best use for him is to take his shamanized form to go hunting rare monsters -- like Chorking, K. Sludge, Night Rider, and Zodiac.  Other characters are better at fighting and magic, though.   His HP still a little low.  Sten isn't too weak in any areas, but he isn't strong in any, either.  He's got speed, but lacks power.
