Note:  This is only armors that can cast spells or are very rare, at the moment; more may be added later.


Crimson Cloak -- Casts Sap
Mother Robe -- Casts Cure
Life Armor -- Ryu's best armor, regenerates one HP with every step; found at a fishing spot near Gate.
Sacred Shield --  Best armor for Jean, Bow, and Sten, sometimes protects from magic; dropped by K. Sludges (Monster Island)


Demon Shield -- Casts Drain?
Holy Shield -- Casts Shield, equipable by all but Rand
Army Glove -- Second best shield, best shield for Katt; dropped by K. Sludges (Monster Island)
Medusa Shield -- Best Shield, casts Attack Up; dropped by Night Riders and can be bought from Maniro


None that I can remember
