From Capitan to the Sea of Trees

Nimufu's Tower
Two Errands
Sima Fort
Cooking Contest
Home Town
Whale Cape
Whale Cave
Getting Bleu
Getting Owl Fruit
Upa-rupa Cave
The Sea of Trees


While you're still here, be sure to buy both antidotes and vitamins; you'll need them.  Acquiring other supplies would be wise, too.

When you're ready to leave, go through the town's northern exit.  You'll arrive at the docks.  Just keep going, and the boat will carry you across the strait.  You'll arrive at the docks at the other side; there's a Dragon Idol here.  Return the way you came to return to Capitan.  My recommended party for the area that you are about to enter is Rand, Sten (or Katt; your call), and Nina.

Leave the dock and go through the forest.  When you reach the pond with all the frogs, talking to any of the frogs will cause what looks the top of a massive frog's head to appear in the pond.  Heed Jean's request.

Upon exiting the forest, make your way around the lake until you reach a hut with a small dock next to it.  The hut is a campsite; talk to the man to get a rest.  There's also a Dragon Idol here.  From there, you can go north across the bridge, or west to a cave.  For the moment, you should stay away from the cave.  Heading North, and then east, will bring you to...

Nimufu's Tower

You need to be in the level 13-15 range for this area.  Ogres are the worst critters that you'll regularly encounter, while Horse Flies are the most annoying (note:  a group of Horse Flies can be wiped out with a single Thunder spell).  There is a very slim chance that the Monopeds will drop a Fire Ring.

1st, put Ryu in the lead of the walking order.  Step on the tile, and you'll get into a fight.  Win, and have Ryu keep stepping on that tile (i.e., keep getting into fights) until the path opens.  The path won't be opened for anyone other than Ryu, though you'll still get into fights.

Now go forward, and east.  The chest on the platform is a trap, so ignore it.  Opening it will cause the path you just opened to close, forcing you to find another exit (BTW, Nina's Exit spell does not work in the Tower).  Once you're in the new passage, go ahead and take the steps.  Be sure to put Nina in the lead of the walking order, since she can fly out of pits.  Also be sure to have Nina use Will when she starts getting low on AP.

Basically, just keep going along the path until you reach a room with moving platforms.  Taking the left-most one will take you on your way. The second one from the left will take you a pit; you'll have to drop in (I'll call this chamber the pit room), the middle platform takes you to the other pit (dropping in takes you to the pit room), the second one from the right takes you across (the steps lead to the pit room, though  you can now use the steps to get out of it), and the right-most one takes you to the left platform, which eventually leads you to Seso the Water Shaman, who's at the moment a statue.

Pit room:  You can get some treasure in this room; just watch out for the holes that'll open up when you open each chest.  All that's in the chests are small amounts of coins (100 or less; some only hold 1), though the second form the left (the bottom one) holds 1000.  If you dropped into this room, you'll have to drop into the pit in this room to get out.  You're now in the entrance chamber; just make your way back up.

Going on your way:  Go up the steps, and head south.  Take the chest (Herb).  Talking to the statue of the woman will get you the chance to exit the tower.  If you accept, you'll lose half of your cash.  Getting killed will get you the same result, but at least it'll give you a condition of Super, too.  Continuing brings you to the most aggravating area in the tower.

Trigger room:  Step on the first 3 plates, avoid the next 2, and step on the one beyond the first gate.  Step on the next one beyond the gate (below and between those other two) to get at the treasure chest (Silk Glove)  you just passed.  Now just walk along the path (ignore the north-most plate), and hopefully you'll be able to reach those treasure chests (Wizard Ring and Wise Robe) at the center.  If you got them, now go trigger the north-most plate and go to the stairs.  If something didn't work, then you can exit and re-enter the room to reset the plates and gates.

Now, see that opening in the wall on the east side of this chamber?  Step through it when you wish to exit the tower.  Use the moving platforms to get at the treasure chests (Wise Hoop on your left, Wise Ball (!) on your right) and move on.  Watch out for Seenates, which only attack in this chamber.  Take the steps in the south.   Now go to the plate (with Ryu in the lead of the walking order).  The path will open.  Be sure Ryu's AP is full, and continue.

You'll now face Nimufu (550 HP).  She's pretty easy, but she can cast S. Boom.  Use a Dragon Puppy spell (any Puppy), and take your best shots.  Have Rand and Sten/Katt use healing items when needed.  When you beat her, she'll tell you how to lift the curse on Jean.  Go back and take the east wall exit.  Be sure to go back up to where Seso is, and get her.


Go back to him in the forest.  Put Katt or Nina in the lead of the walking order, and talk to him.  Either of them will give him the kiss necessary to break his curse, though neither of them will be particularly happy about it.  Go ahead and put Ekaru Hoppe de pe Jean in your party.  When you leave the forest, you'll discover that the carpenter is done.  The Hideout is now Town Ship.

Two Errands

With Jean in your party, put him in the lead of the walking order.  Now, turn him into his giant frog form, and make your way to the lake west of Nimfumu's tower (DO NOT GO TO SIMA FORT!).  Hop in, and go down the waterfall.  You'll enter a hidden cavern.  Get the treasure (Soklet Arm and Kamikaze Ball), and have Ryu talk to the old man to get the Dragon spells.  Leave, go to the camp site, and put someone other than Jean into your party (he'll be a liability where you're going).  Your party should contain Rand, Nina, and whoever you wish to learn the Chop-Chop spell (0 AP, 50-75 damage, non-elemental, and chops right through immunity to elemental magic).  Or Katt or Sten, if you want to give Chop-Chop to someone other than those two.  Now go to that cave to the west.  Note:  there's a Maniro site almost right next to this cave; he sells three powerful -- for this area -- items.  Also, there is a fishing site east of Sima Fort, but it only has one fish in it...

You're now in the Wild Cat Restaurant.  Talk to the muscle man (you'll check in all your items), and go in.  If you don't follow a regulation, you'll have to fight a Bouncer (250 HP; they're easy to beat).  If you break too many regulations, you won't be able to get Chop-Chop.  Go ahead and keep your weapons, and follow the rest (armor isn't any help in the upcoming fight, anyway).  When asked how you want your meat done, pick rare.  Be sure to put Ryu in a combat position other than #1!  Go through the door, and you'll enter a really big stove.  You'll get cooked and lose some HP (rare = 20, medium = 40, well done = 80, no choice equals all but 1).  The cook will come in and try to kill the party.

This fight is pretty simple -- if you don't defeat him in a hurry (he has 610 HP), he'll probably kill your whole party in around 5 rounds (assume that you'll lose a party member every round; yes, he'll be inflicting that much damage per attack).  Have Ryu cast a Dragon spell; if he dies before he can pull it off, you've already lost.  Have everyone else take their best shots; don't bother trying to heal anybody.  This may take you a couple of tries.

When you win, follow the cook.  Tell him that you forgive him and that you are soft-hearted.  If you do that and didn't break too many rules, he'll teach one of your current party members (your choice) Chop-Chop.  If you broke too many rules, he'll offer a steak that raises the eater's Max HP by 16 points.  When leaving, talk to the guy that took your items when you entered to get every thing back.

Put Jean back in you party, and enter Sima Fort.

Sima Fort

Sima Fort's basement contains Poltergeists (which take half-damage from attacks not made with a sacred weapon), Mimics (immune to elemental magic), and Arachnods.  Mimics can drop Gold bait, and are probably the most dangerous thing down here; the monsters are more persistent than dangerous, though.

Two consecutive cinema scenes will occur once you've entered.  There's an impostor prince on the throne, and he'll have Jean arrested.  Jean's sister will recruit you for the task of proving that Jean's the real prince.  Search the room that Petape is in to find a Deluxe Pole.

Leave Sima Fort (you can use a boat to go to and fro, now), return to the campsite, and get your party (I recommend having Sten in it).  Return to Sima Fort, get new equipment there, and explore.  When you're done exploring, go to the food pens room (you should have found it by now), head to the back, and take the stairs down.  Use a Dragon spell and your best shots to kill the Jailer (640 HP).  Talk to Jean.  Now return to the Wild Cat Restaurant (you won't have to fight if you've already been here), and find Nimufu.  Note that one of the witches at the party will fight you if you talk to her (she's the one at the north end of the bar; you can fight her as many times as you want).  Hop in the toilet (some writer for this game must've liked scatological humor), and go to the ring.  It'll float away.  Go to the northern part of the cavern, and get the ring.  Now return to Sima Fort, and  go to Jean's cell.  Talk to him, and watch the cinema scene.  Now begins the...

Cooking Contest

First of all, head up to the bedroom above the throne room, pull the lever, go through the revealed passage, and go up to the top.  Take down the guard, go back down, and talk to his girlfriend (she's the model).  Go back up there, and talk to the guard.  It doesn't matter what you ask him for.  You'll get the key to the windmill.  Go into the other building on the roof to get some gold (1000 coins).

In the windmill, first go straight forward and search the platform; you'll get 1000 coins.  Search one step to the right of it for more coins, and then repeat for yet more coins (3000 in total).   (the coins stuff is credit Nathan Arthur) Now, just go next to the buckets going down (the spot to stand is obvious), face them, and press A.  You'll get a ride down to the basement.  Go along the path.  Go through the exit...

And you'll be greeted with the sight of the legendary Gold Fly pounding a guard.  It'll fight you.  It's faster than you and can Egg beater.  Just defend and heal; you can't beat it in this battle.  After four rounds and one last attack, it'll flee.  Follow it.  Go along the path until you reach a wooden bridge.  Prepare yourself before stepping on the bridge, because the Giant Worm will attack when you do.  Ryu had better be at full AP for this.

When  you win, return to where you met the Gold Fly.  Either leave and get a rest and supplies, or take the other path.  Going along the path...

Get the treasure chests (Help Ball and Guts Belt) you'll see when you can reach them (a simple matter of doubling back), and continue.  You'll reach a room crawling with (inedible and fairly easy to kill) Blue Roaches (165 HP).  The exit to the west of where you entered will take you to a treasure chest (Stamina).  Now just keep going through this roach chamber, and you'll reach another. Go through it, and you'll reach the Giant Roach (1990 HP), a rather puny excuse for a boss.  Don't bother with magic; just keep attacking (and healing when necessary) until it dies.  Now, make sure that Ryu's at full AP, and continue.

Cornered, the Gold Fly (580 HP) will fight.  Dragon Attack it, and do what you did fighting it last time.  When you kill it, you'll have collected all the ingredients.  Leave Sima Fort, and get a rest.  

Return to Sima Fort, resupply if needed, and go talk to Jean.  Now go up to the dining room, and talk to the chef blocking the south entrance.  The contest will begin.  It's been rigged, so Jean will lose in the end.  The impostor orders the execution of Jean and your party.  Petape will go try to blow up Sima Fort, and the imposter and Jean will follow her.  Go back to the kitchen the way you went to the dining room, and enter the bathroom that's on the way there.  Pull the lever in it, and you'll be taken down back to the basement.  Go right.  You'll find Jean, who's been wounded.  He'll ask you to save his sister.  Go through the exit.

You'll find Petape (who's out cold) and the imposter.  Kuwadora will turn into a demon and attack.  When you beat him, he'll trigger the device that's supposed to blow up Sima Fort and expire.  Jean will show up, and tell you it's actually the device that opens the path to Sima Fort's greatest treasure.  He and Petape will leave.  Go forward and claim the Sole Sword.  Now return to the throne room.  Jean will join your party.  Return to the food pens.  You can now go through the door that was being guarded and claim some treasures (Breath Armor, Royal Hat, and Iron Shield).  Also, be sure to collect Patty.  Buy some equipment as well, since Bow will soon be returning to your party.  Once you've got everything, it's time to leave Sima Fort and go back to Home Town.  Note that the overworld music has changed.


On the way back you can also collect some tenants for Town Ship.  Recommended:  Baretta, who's at the Armory in Windia, and Hekeller, who's at the house next to yours in Home Town.  Hekeller's of short term use (he'll sell a couple of unique things; he also sells Fire Rings), while Baretta is a long term investment.  She won't sell much that's good until late in the game.  No one else for House1 is any good, while only Azusa is worth getting for house 3.  The best guy for house 2 is in an area you haven't gone to yet.

Home Town

Take Patty to Trout.  Now, return to Town Ship, and put Bow in your party.  Equip him if you can.  Be sure to search the second house when you're in Town Ship; you'll find a Wise Ball.  Return to Home Town.  Go the house of the rich guy (Kilgore) in the north-west  corner of town.  You'll have a cinema scene.  Bow will decide to return to Trout's house.  Have Ryu go with Bow.  The footmen (100 HP) you'll meet are easy to kill.  Go to the room with the mirror, and go down the steps.  Go back up them; Trout will come by and move the mirror.  Now go through and go down.  Talk to the prisoners, and Patty.  Trout will come in, turn into a demon (550 HP), and attack you.  His only abilities are that (a) he can Egg-beater, and (b) whenever he hits you you'll lose a number coins equal to the damage he did.  A Dragon Attack and a couple of normal attacks will kill him.  Patty will escape, and another cinema scene will occur.  Bow will be talking as though he alone fought Trout, even if Ryu was with him.  After Bow asks you if you think something is going wrong with the world, another cinema scene begins.

Once you leave the rich man's house, you'll encounter Silvia from the Rangers Guild.  Talk to her, and another cinema scene will start.  Once it's all done, you'll have to find the Grass Man.  He's at the Carnival, which is at Tunlan.  You'll need to find a way to traverse the sea.  Next stop:

Whale Cape

Be sure to give Katt the best equipment you can get for her.  Go to Sima Fort, and make your way south along the river (use Jean).  Once you reach the end of it, go east.  Go to the beach, while you're at it.  You'll find MacClean, the House 2 person that I recommend most.  There's also a Maniro site in this area, which sells combat items that can only be bought here (Fire Rock, Ice Chunk, Kamikaze Ball).  The hut is Whale Cape.

There's a Dragon Idol here; you need to put Katt in your party.  If you want to take Bow and/or Jean, be sure to build them up outside the Cape.  The creature that is both the most dangerous and worth the most experience is the H. Crab.  H. Crabs can cast Freeze, and will sometimes show up in threes.  Note that Jean will pick up Warp at level 14.  In the building (just remember that whale cakes are the most useless item in the game), talk to the guy there.  He'll let you go to the...

Whale Cave

Enter the cave.  The most important rule here is that if you encounter an obstacle that you need to get past, have Katt smack it with her staff.  When you're in the whale itself, talk to Maiyoru.  You'll learn what you need to do, and he'll leave.  Talk to the dolphins to get a ride out.  To navigate the whale, just keep going north.  I prefer to finish with this place as rapidly as possible.  The G. Lizards, with their Attack-Up and Slam combo, are easily the most dangerous thing here.  I hope you brought some Life Plants.

Treasures in the first area:  Steel Armlet (east wall), 100 coins (west wall).  Not very good, no?  Just ignore 'em and make for the north exit.

Second area:  West is a dead-end.  East takes you on a fairly long detour with a Power Food at the end.  Go north to reach the exit, of course.

Third area:  West is a dead-end.  North is the exit.

Fourth area:  In the north-west corner is an entrance to a chamber with a suit of Gold Armor.  It's stronger than Iron Armor, but it's heavy.  The exit is to the north.

Fifth area:  South-east is a dead-end.  The exit is at the north end -- except that this particular muscle ring isn't moving.  Have Katt whack it.  If you decided to see some of the dead-ends for yourself, you've already seen these.

Sixth area:  Head north.  In the seventh area, you'll be attacked by the stone doll that's making the whale sleep.

Everyone who can use a sacred weapon should be equipped with one.  Munmar (800 HP) can put the whole party to sleep, but it's easy to beat.  A Dragon Attack and a few hits with sacred weapons will toast it.

 Return to the mouth of the whale.  Have Katt whack the weird waving thing (the whale's Adam's Apple, actually) in the room just north of the mouth to wake up Grandpa.  Now go to the beach where you found MacClean, go into the cave, and get the Whale Bell from the Old Man (note that the old man's dresser contains an Herb).  Now, at any beach in the world, you can summon Grandpa by ringing the Bell (just press A when standing on a beach).  There's now quite a few places you can go (including Monster Island, but I suggest you stay the hell away from there, for now).  Other places that you can reach are Tunlan, Guntz, Bleu's lair, Sky Tower (covered in part III) and the desert (there's only one in the whole world, and it's big; also covered in part III).  It's now much more convenient to go to Town Ship, as well.


It's now fairly convenient to make your way to Town Ship.  There, you can use whatever your tenants offer, make use of whatever your carpenter offers, and shamanize characters.  Sana is best merged with Sten (always with Sten, if he's in your party) or your healer.  Seso really doesn't matter yet, but she's best merged with Spar once you have it (unless you want access to Nature).  Going into the characters' house or talking to Granny gives you the benefits of a rest.  Note that once you have filled the first three houses, the carpenter can build three more.

Getting Bleu

Go south of Town Ship. Keep going south along the coast until you go round the continent's southern tip.  Going north from here will take you to a beach (note:  the monsters around here are very strong, compared to what you've fought earlier).  Make landfall and go straight north; you should see a "whirlpool" in the sand.  Step on it, and you'll enter Bleu's lair.  Talk to the ghosts, get the chest (Tolen), and be sure to search the dressers in her room; one of them contains a Condition-Up.  And BTW, that's a lot of empty liquor bottles, isn't it?

Now go to the magic school in Home Town.  Go to the top, and talk to all the students.  One of them will reveal herself to be Bleu, and she'll join your party.  You can collect Bleu any time after you get the whale.  You'll have to decide "Bleu or Nina" after you get her.  Bleu's much more powerful right now.  If you do decide to use Bleu, remember that you will eventually have to build up Nina's level anyway.  I normally get Bleu after acquiring Spar.


Guntz is special for a couple of reasons.  Did you go down the well in Town Ship?  If you did, you can get the assistance of the engineer Eichichi.  Go to the top building, enter, and go to the back wall.  Walk behind a bookcase, and you'll go down some hidden stairs.  Eichichi is in this room.  Talk to her.  The other things are the armor and item shops.  This is practically the best armor you can get until you can fly, and the same with the brass sword that's for sale here.  The item shop contains Frizbee, F. Spice, and Shave Ice.  This stuff is vital to cooking PARs.  If you have a Fire Ring or use Chop-Chop to kill Ganets, you might want to earn a couple levels around here, with the other level-up area being around Tunlan (watch out for the Dino critters; they can cast Thunder).


The carnival is outside the city, and there's a Maniro site right next to it.  The Dragon Idol is east of the city entrance; there's also a priest of St. Evans in the city.  The weapon shop holds some good stuff for characters who use lighter equipment, including the super-nifty Twin Bow.  The Magic Hood you took back after killing Trout allows you to understand the language, but you won't be able to talk to the natives until you have the Famous Flute of High Fort.  That's not why you're here, though.  Go to the carnival, and you'll learn that the Grass Man is going to be fed to a demon.  Go through the carnival, and talk to everyone.  when you reach the final room, you'll find the carnival master talking to Spar.  When you tell the master that you wish to prevent the feeding, he'll ask for an ungodly sum of money (900, 000 coins) or an Upa-rupa to take Spar's place.  Go for the Upa-rupa, but first you'll need to get some Owl Fruit.

Getting Owl Fruit

Remember that lone house you saw between Capitan and Windia?  There's a beach near it.  Go there.  Head to the house, and read the diary.  Go through the back door, and make your way through the woods until you face the boss; some sadistic programmer decided to make it one of the toughest bosses in the game.  Pick the Owl Fruit if you manage to win.  Recommended party:  Rand, Sten, and Bow.  You need HP, not magic; it's Ryu's Dragon Attacks that are going to win this.

Get back on Grandpa, and head south along the west coast (or go north along the coast from Home Town).  You'll eventually see a cave in the cliff that's at sea level (there's a bridge right next to it; you saw it on your way to Coursair).  Just maneuvar the whale right in to enter.

Upa-rupa Cave

S. Boom is probably your best friend in this place, though Flame is even better.  Stingers can counter attack and casts Cure 1,  Arubans can egg-beater, and Sireens can perform Sweet Breath and Tornado.

Navigation:  Going south through the entrance passage takes you out.  Go north and around the obstruction (labeled X).  Going up onto the platform takes you to an exit which leads to a chest (Quarter Staff).  North of X is an exit that leads to a dead-end.  Going east from X a little brings you to a platform that has a chest  (Gold bait (!)) on it.  Going along east and then north from there brings you to an exit, which brings you to another passage.  Go along it to the end.  The south exit brings you to a chest (Ocean Robe).  The north exit takes you on your way.  Talk to the Fish-men (Primans).  The Primans will tell you the Upa-rupas are getting violent.  One will tell you how to catch one for a fee (200 coins), and another will offer you another Owl Fruit (on sale for 1000 coins )  Go through the exit to reach the Upa-rupa lairs.  Note:  My next time through, I'm going to see if I can just buy that Owl Fruit and catch the Upa-rupa with it; I'm wondering if you absolutely must fight that boss guarding the Owl Fruit plants.  Additonal note:  And as it turns out, one doesn't have to fight Algernon.

You want the second one from the left.  Place an Owl Fruit in front of its cave, walk away just until it'll come out and take the Owl Fruit (Note:  it MUST take it), and when it gets it, go back and "talk" to it.  You'll fight.  Upa-rupas have 520 HP, and ALWAYS counter attack.  Aside from counter attacks, Upa-rupas will do nothing.  Use a Dragon Spell, and whatever other attack magic you have.  When you catch (defeat) it, it'll offer to give you something if you let it go.  Let it go.  It'll give you a Buster Sword.  If you already have a Brass Sword, you can just sell it.  Or just leave the chest where it is; if you come back for it later, it'll hold a Charm Shield (it protects from Curse, if I remember right).  Which isn't very good, either (and can be purchased in Tunlan...).  Ah, well.  Any other Upa-rupa will vanish when defeated.  Return to the Carnival now.  As one last thing -- I'd like to know just how the carnival master expects a Beak or even a Creon to be able to eat an Upa-rupa; it'd whup them.


Bring some F. Spice, and Rand; you'll need someone with endurance.  Someone who can cast Flame would be a plus, as well.  Your other good candidates are Sten, Nina, and Bleu.  Talk to the carnival master, and tell him that you'll give him nothing.  He'll turn into a demon, and attack you.

When you win, Spar will leave his cage and join your party.

The Sea of Trees

With Spar leading your walking order (leave him unshamanized; you want to be able to use Nature here), you can now enter this area.    Talk to the Wise Tree (Gandaroof).  It'll tell you to go get a therapy pillow.  After you speak with Gandaroof, the battle music will change.  Go to Tunlan.  When you go there, talk to the guy near the entrance.  He'll tell you that you need the famous flute of High Fort.

Now, return to the Sea of Trees.  Why?  Because you can build your whole party up to level 20  in this area.  I strongly recommend that you do so.  Go south of the forest onto the bridge when you're at least level 18 to face some more powerful monsters.  Go across the bridge and into the valley.  Talk to the guy at the entrance, and get out of there before something attacks you.  You can now enter Sky Tower whenever you wish.

Once you're done building up levels, you may wish to do some batch cooking; Sten will definitely need the PARs (Dinkers, PwrFood, and Stamina are all good).  Well, hell.  Give everyone some PARs, if you have the time and patience.  It'll pay off.  If you decide to go nuts with the Dinkers, one word of advice:  Don't make Ryu the fastest character in your party, and don't allow him to be the slowest.  This has to do with being capable of performing full-strength dragon attacks every round.

This ends Part II of my walkthrough.
